June 30

The Top 10 things to pack for your baby this holiday


Packing for a holiday is hard enough when it’s just the two of you, and for some reason can feel three times as hard when you have a little one.  They just have so much stuff!  How do you know what you REALLY need to take?

We’ve boiled it down to the top 10 things to remember to pack for a child up to the age of 1.

1. Sun Lotion 50 SPF

Sun lotion with 5 star UVA/UVB rating – Babies’ skin is particularly sensitive, which means it’s even more important to make sure they are protected. You can protect your baby from the consequences of damaging UV rays by using a sun cream with a high SPF

2. Insect Repellent with Deet

Ensure you know which DEET level you should get for your destination. Biting insects such as mosquitoes and biting flies can make children miserable. More worrisome is that bites from some insects can cause serious illnesses.

3. Sterilising Tablets and Bags for Bottles

Milton tablets are great for this and don’t take up much room – a well fed baby is happy baby and therefore a relaxed parent.

4. Fan

Whether it’s an electric one or a hand one, this would depend on how likely your child is to grab it off you. If this is likely, I would suggest getting one without any moving parts and sticking to a hand fan. Keeping your little cool, calm and relaxed.

5. Layers

Easy to take off and put on, including sun hat, and swimming nappies. Giving you flexibility when are you out for the day meaning you are not tied to being in near your accomodation at all times.

6. Lightweight travel pram

One that is easy to take on the plane and lug around – here are some of the best

7. Small supply of nappies and wipes

Remember you’re not going to the moon, they’re likely to have these at your destination too.  If you’re not sure which ones to take with you, check out our nappy selection box in your babies’ size.

8. Lightweight scarf for shade

Your baby may find it easier to doze of for their afternoon sleep if you cover the pram so they are not over stimulated and cannot fall asleep and become over tired.

9. Medications

Calpol/Nurofen/Piriton and a thermometer – just in case.  Hopefully you won’t need them, but it is better to be prepared. You never know…

10. Entertainment

Games, cards, teddies, iPads, whatever is going to make a long journey with a little one easier for everyone.

So that’s it! Not much to it, when you boil it down to the bare essentials, but do remember to check your baggage allowance if you’re flying, as you certainly don’t want to be caught short of anything when you’re an unfamiliar location.

And remember, you’re only one choice away…from that amazing holiday.  Go and create some memories 🙂 Bon voyage!


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